Sudbury Town Records

Rosemary Harvell and the Town Clerk's Office proposed and received CPC funding to preserve the Town Records in the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. As part of that project the Town Records books were scanned. image TS_1639_1695_V1_004.jpeg

These are scans of the records of Town Meetings and early Selectmen meetings. To the right is a thumbnail image of the early land allotment.

The books in the Town Vault (and thumbnail image indices):
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS VOL. 1 1640-1695   1639 thumbnails
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS BOOK 3 1695-1755   1695 thumbnails
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS BOOK 6 1755-1790   1755 thumbnails & 1779
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS BOOK 7 1790-1814   1790_1 thumbnails & 1790_2
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS BOOK 8 1814-1835   1814_1 thumbnails & 1814_2
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS VOL. 9 1836-1853   1835 thumbnails
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS VOL. 10 1854-1865   1854 thumbnails
SUDBURY TOWN RECORDS VOL. 11 1866-1884   1866 thumbnails

This is not the permanent location for the scanning results. When they are copied elsewhere, the pages will be redirected

I would like to see the images of the pages integrated into the Sudbury Archives

I have made the file names and directory structure more consistent.

If you would like .zip files of the individual image PDFs, let me know. If you are interested in making this site more useful, please let me know. -jch
2023-12-27 YON - Jan C. Hardenbergh
image thumb1639_38.jpg

Transcription PDFs

Town Records 1639-1695 Vol 1 transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1695-1755 Book 3 Part I transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1695-1755 Book 3 Part II transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1755-1790 Book 6 Part I transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1779-1790 Book 6 Part II transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1790-1814 Vol I transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1790-1814 Vol II transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1814-1835 Vol 1 transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1814-1835 Vol II transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1835-1853 transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1854-1865 transcribed.pdf
Town Records 1866-1884 Vol II transcribed.pdf