#1) Conflict resolution. "fight fair" - stick to the actual conflict and
do not attack each other personally.
- Do not drag in unrelated things, especially if they happened a long time ago.
- Really understand what the other person's concern is.
- Be able to admit mistakes and forgive - assume that will happen sooner rather than later.
- Marriage counseling. We have been 3 times in 33 years. It was worth it.
#2) Stay on the same team. Sometimes there will be an issue that could divide you the couple or the couple from the other family members.
- Chose each other - especially in public. If it is a mistake, it can be worked out in private between the two of you and then corrected in public.
- Back each other up with the kids. Again, if it is something that needs to be worked out, do it in private.
now the easier ones:
#3) Go out in the world together - just the 2 of you - and do new things.
#4) improve intimacy. We met 35 years ago and we are still learning.